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Taking Data from file and putting into field
Teleport = { }
Teleport.coordspath = GetStartupPath() .. [[\LuaMods\Teleport\Coords\]];
Teleport.CoordsProfile = {}
Teleport.lastticks = 0
Teleport.running = false
Teleport.curTask = nil
Teleport.CoordsFiles = {}
Teleport.UIRefreshPending = false
Teleport.UIRefreshTmr = 0

--             Made by Breckdareck             --
--        Will try to add more soon            --
--Just now learning how to code lua and its fun--
--Thanks to MMOMinion for the code and allowing--
--           the use of add on scripts!        --
--                                             --
--    I hope maybe i could work for you!!      --

function Teleport.teleport()

    if (Settings.FFXIVMINION.clickteleactive == nil) then
        Settings.FFXIVMINION.clickteleactive = "0"
    if (Settings.FFXIVMINION.coordsname == nil) then
        Settings.FFXIVMINION.coordsname = "None"


    -- Navigation functions
    GUI_NewField("Teleport","X: ","tb_xPos","Teleport Coords")
    GUI_NewField("Teleport","Y: ","tb_yPos","Teleport Coords")
    GUI_NewField("Teleport","Z: ","tb_zPos","Teleport Coords")
    --Target Coords
    --Save Coords
    GUI_NewField("Teleport","Coords name: ","coordsnewname","Coords Save")
    GUI_NewButton("Teleport","SaveCoords","SaveCoord","Coords Save")
    RegisterEventHandler("SaveCoord", Teleport.Save)
    --Saved Coords
    GUI_NewComboBox("Teleport","Coords Name: ","coordsname","Saved Coords","")
    GUI_NewField("Teleport","X:","SavedX","Saved Coords")
    GUI_NewField("Teleport","Y:","SavedY","Saved Coords")
    GUI_NewField("Teleport","Z:","SavedZ","Saved Coords")
    --Get Coords Button
    RegisterEventHandler("Teleport.playerPosition", Teleport.Move)    
    --Teleport to Saved Coords Button
    RegisterEventHandler("Teleport.saved", Teleport.Move4)
    --Teleport to Target Button
    RegisterEventHandler("", Teleport.Move2)
    --Teleport Button    
    RegisterEventHandler("Teleport.teleport", Teleport.Move)    
    tb_nPoints = 0
    --Show Targets Coords
    --Turn on/off Click2Tele

    clickteleactive = Settings.FFXIVMINION.clickteleactive

    coordsnewname = ""
    Teleport.CoordsProfile = {}
    TLE_XCOORD = 0
    TLE_YCOORD = 0
    TLE_ZCOORD = 0
    TLE_IDK = 0
    GUI_UnFoldGroup("Teleport","Teleport Coords")
    GUI_UnFoldGroup("Teleport","Coords Save")
    GUI_UnFoldGroup("Teleport","Saved Coords")

function Teleport.Move( dir )

    if ( dir == "Teleport.playerPosition") then
            local p = Player.pos
            tb_xPos = tostring(p.x)
            tb_yPos = tostring(p.y)
            tb_zPos = tostring(p.z)
    elseif( dir == "Teleport.teleport") then

function Teleport.Move2( dir )

    if ( dir == "Teleport.playerPosition") then
            local p = Player.pos
            TargetPosX = tostring(p.x)
            TargetPosY = tostring(p.y)
            TargetPosZ = tostring(p.z)
        elseif( dir == "") then
function Teleport.Move3(event,tickcount)
    if ( MeshManager:IsKeyPressed(160) ) then
function Teleport.Move4( dir )

    if ( dir == "Teleport.playerPosition") then
    elseif( dir == "Teleport.saved") then


function Teleport.Update()
    mytarget = Player:GetTarget()
    if (mytarget  ~= nil) then    
        TargetName =
        TargetPosX = (math.floor(mytarget.pos.x * 10) / 10)
        TargetPosY = (math.floor(mytarget.pos.y * 10) / 10)
        TargetPosZ = (math.floor(mytarget.pos.z * 10) / 10)


function Teleport.Test2()
    Teleport.running = not Teleport.running
    if ( not Teleport.running) then Teleport.curTask = nil end
function Teleport.DoTask()
    if (Teleport.curTask) then
--Updates everything
function Teleport.GUIVarUpdate(Event, NewVals, OldVals)
    for k,v in pairs(NewVals) do
        --d(tostring(k).." = "..tostring(v))
        if ( k == "clickteleactive" ) then            
            Settings.FFXIVMINION[tostring(k)] = v
        elseif ( k == "coordsname" )then
            Teleport.CoordsProfile = {}
            Settings.FFXIVMINION.coordsname = tostring(v)
        elseif ( k == "TLE_XCOORD") then Teleport.CoordsProfile.XCOord = v
        elseif ( k == "TLE_YCOORD") then Teleport.CoordsProfile.YCOord = v
        elseif ( k == "TLE_ZCOORD") then Teleport.CoordsProfile.ZCOord = v
        elseif ( k == "TLE_IDK") then Teleport.CoordsProfile.idk = v

function Teleport.OnUpdateHandler( Event, ticks )     
    if ( ticks - Teleport.lastticks > 500 ) then
        Teleport.lastticks = ticks        
        if ( Teleport.running ) then
        elseif ( clickteleactive == "1") then
    -- Needed because the UI cant handle clearing + rebuilding of all stuff in the same frame
    if ( Teleport.UIRefreshPending ) then            
        if ( Teleport.UIRefreshTmr == 0 ) then        
            Teleport.UIRefreshTmr = tick            
        elseif( tick - Teleport.UIRefreshTmr > 250 ) then        
            Teleport.UIRefreshTmr = 0            
            Teleport.UIRefreshPending = false            

--Grasb all Profiles and enlist them in the dropdown field
function Teleport.UpdateCoords()

    local coordsprofiles = "None"
    local found = "None"    
    local coordsprofilelist = dirlist(Teleport.coordspath,".*lua")
    if ( TableSize(coordsprofilelist) > 0) then            
        local i,coordsprofile = next ( coordsprofilelist)
        while i and coordsprofile do                
            coordsprofile = string.gsub(coordsprofile, ".lua", "")
            coordsprofiles = coordsprofiles..","..coordsprofile
            if ( Settings.FFXIVMINION.coordsname ~= nil and Settings.FFXIVMINION.coordsname == coordsprofile ) then
                d("Last Profile found : "..coordsprofile)
                found = coordsprofile
            i,coordsprofile = next ( coordsprofilelist,i)
    coordsname_listitems = coordsprofiles
    coordsname = found

--Save under new file
function Teleport.Save()
    local xCoord = tonumber(tb_xPos)
    local yCoord = tonumber(tb_yPos)
    local zCoord = tonumber(tb_zPos)
    local filename = ""
    local isnew = false
    if ( coordsnewname ~= "" ) then
        filename = coordsnewname
        coordsnewname = ""
        isnew = true
    elseif (coordsprofile ~= nil and coordsprofile ~= "None" and coordsprofile ~= "") then
        filename = coordsname
        coordsnewname = ""
    if ( filename ~= "" ) then
        local string2write = "TLE_Version_1=1\n"
        local name,coords = next (Teleport.CoordsProfile)
        while name and coords do
        d("Saving Profile Data into File: "..filename)
            string2write = string2write.."TLE_XCOORD="..xCoord.."\n"
            string2write = string2write.."TLE_YCOORD="..yCoord.."\n"
            string2write = string2write.."TLE_ZCOORD="..zCoord.."\n"
            string2write = string2write.."TLE_IDK="..coords.idk.."\n"
            string2write = string2write.."TLE_END=0\n"
            name,coords = next (Teleport.CoordsProfile,name)
        d(filewrite(Teleport.coordspath ..filename..".lua",string2write))

        if ( isnew ) then
            coordsname_listitems = coordsname_listitems..","..filename
            coordsname = filename
            Settings.FFXIVMINION.coordsname = filename

function Teleport.UpdateCoordsData()
    if ( coordsname ~= nil and coordsname ~= "" and coordsname ~= "None" ) then
        local profile = fileread(Teleport.coordspath..coordsname..".lua")
        if ( TableSize(profile) > 0) then
        local unsortedCoordsList = {}
        local newcoords = {}
        local i, line = next (profile)

            if ( line ) then
                local version
                -- Check for backwards compatib
                local _, key, id, value = string.match(line, "(%w+)_(%w+)_(%d+)=(.*)")
                if ( tostring(key) == "Version" and tostring(id) == "1") then
                    version = 1
                while i and line do
                    local key, value
                    if ( version == 1 ) then
                        _, key, value = string.match(line, "(%w+)_(%w+)=(.*)")
                    --d("key: "..tostring(key).." value:"..tostring(value))

            if (key and value ) then
                value = string.gsub(value, "\r", "")
                if ( key == "End" )then
                    newcoords = {}
                    elseif ( key == "XCOORD") then newcoords.XCOord = tonumber(value)
                    elseif ( key == "YCOORD") then newcoords.YCOord = tonumber(value)
                    elseif ( key == "ZCOORD") then newcoords.ZCOord = tonumber(value)
                    elseif ( key == "IDK") then newcoords.idk = tonumber(value)
                d("Error loading inputline: Key: "..(tostring(key)).." value:"..tostring(value))
            i, line = next (profile,i)

RegisterEventHandler("Gameloop.Update", Teleport.OnUpdateHandler)
RegisterEventHandler("Teleport.Test2", Teleport.Test2)

Everything is Practically done now, all i need is to grab the data from the files and put them into the new Field i have.
(10-17-2013, 08:31 AM)fxfire Wrote:  ^bug is hree:
coordsprofile_listitems = profiles
coordsprofile = found <----- that is banana

Check when i get on! Thanks for the help, i was reading the getstring from file but since its your own code im not sure how to grab the coords from the file and throw it into a new field.

Ok so i just pull the whole function out of where i had it and threw it into the main function and finally got it to work. Last thing to do is read the file and pull out the coords and throw them into the 3 last boxes.

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